Building with traditional values

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Building has always been in the blood. This Company was formed by two brothers who believe in tradition and family pulling together hence the idea behind our unique logo. We have supported the Suffolk Punch personally over serveral years prior to setting up the business and have enjoyed going to local ploughing competions in the Bucklesham area. Enough back to the blood! Our Grandfather started it all off many years ago. Peddalling along on his tricycle with a cart or should I say make shift box he had cobbled together on the back. Out of this he would carry his tools and peddle to and from the local villiges around Wickham Market. He enjoyed bricklaying and there are still a few of his walls in existance today. He attended Chapel and was often seen bringing a pig back from market in the back of his cart. He had several children and there is still a large contingent of Smith's in Wickham today related through one distance family member or the other. Old Arthur had many children unfortunealy some died young others were killed tradegy but from the sons who survived and got through the war nearly all of them worked in the building trades at some point although diversifying in later life. Two of them worked for a then well known and established Wickham firm located on the Market Sqaure sadly gone today. In those days H&S was not the same as it is now and there is a very funny story of our Uncle carrying a hod of bricks up a ladder and along a scaffold. He was oblivious to the open end and walked straight off and landed in a pile of sand below still with the hod on his back. If you knew Kenny his was always smiling or laughing and he certainly roared that day seeing the funny side of it. My father worked on the sea defences put in back in the fifties and still protecting our coastline even to this day if not dated and need of repair and updating. So building has been is our blood even our children showing an interest and some are carrying with one a qualified bricklayer and who knows what the others might do. Diversify I expect in this more computer based age. As for us brothers today we have both had our own businesses in London after we had worked together for many years in South London. I moved the a new area and started out on my own and just started to get things going nicely when tradically my young apprentice at the time got killed on his way to work one morning in a motor bike accident. He got hit by a lorry and it effected badly not coping seeing daily in my minds eye and somehow feeling responsible. Eventually I decided to take up an employed postion in site management running training sites for a new government supported company teaching youngsters new skills. Many of them are off the streets and still working in the industry today. Rewarding but it didn't last Funding comes and funding goes as politicians decide and the investment run dry! The main family had stayed in Suffolk but our Mother & Father moved to London looking for work and a new Life which means we are really the lost boys. We always loved visiting our Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles and spent most of our holidays back in the land of the BIG skys. Open space, tress and paddling by the sea. I was the first brother to come back at the turn of the Milliumim. My Parents had retired and always had planned to return and eventually did moving close to one of the cusions who lived in Ipswich. John moved back buying a piece of land and deciding to build his own barn style property just outside Framlingham. I had moved to Grundisburgh another of our ancestral homes on my mother side. Our history reserch has turned up an strong connection with our family on my mothers side owning or working in most of the villiage. The Pub, the shop, the blacksmith and the farmer to name but a few. After Mum dated in 2009 I moved to Easton and lived near the famous Crinkle Crankle wall that we had always visited when I was a child along with the relatives just up the next villiage Wickham Market where my wife works today in the post office. So as you can see it is a small world and these Boys have come home!! We may not have the strong traditional Suffolk accent it not our fault we didn't ask to move away as children but the Olde Bloods Blue through and through. Up the Town.